There are many ways to support our work to improve the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children. Thank you for helping us bring hope to their lives.
One-time donation: Every new donation we receive ensures we can continue to fulfill our mission, and as we grow, we will be able to help even more vulnerable and at-risk children.
Monthly sponsors: Make a commitment to support our work on a monthly basis, ensuring the children receive the nutrition, clothing, medical care and educational supplies they need, in a loving, supportive environment. Our monthly donors are the backbone of our organization and we rely on them strongly to support our programs.
Adopt an Orphanage: select the orphanage or day program that calls to your heart, and set up a monthly donation specifically for them. Build relationships with the children by writing letters to them, encouraging them to study, pray, and dream. Bring joy, help them grow in their faith and build their confidence by showing you care.
Church Ministry: Build your church community while serving children in need. Church members work together to raise funds for their selected orphanage, recruiting monthly donors and holding fundraisers. In return, they receive regular updates and photos about the children they are sponsoring, building meaningful connections from afar.