Hogar Enmanuel’s mission is to create positive change in the lives of at-risk orphaned and abandoned children by providing a safe, comfortable and loving home where children can learn and grow. This nonprofit orphanage provides food, shelter, medical attention and education, while focusing on providing the emotional and spiritual support the children need to overcome their pasts.
Their caretaking team couples Christian values and principles with educational opportunities to help provide for a promising and purposful future for the children, allowing them as well as challenging them to become part of the change that is so needed in Honduras.
In late 2021, they took in four infants and three toddlers, filling their baby room and increasing their need substantially for diapersand formula. The pandemic, recent hurricanes and increasing gang violence in their community motivates their team to work evenharder to create a positive environment filled with happiness,love and respect, giving each child the chance they need for a productive and happy future.